Advanced Dental Center

Perfect Dental® Is Work Efficient And Aesthetically Impressive Dental Center In Jamnagar

Our Facility Is Fully Equipped With The Most High End Technology Available In The Field Of Dentistry

We have designed our clinic very carefully keeping in mind our Doctors, Patients and Working staff. Our clinic is most efficient dental clinic in Jamnagar for treating all the dental and oral problems in a highly sophisticated and precise manner.  We have followed a NO WINDOW – NO FAN concept in our clinic design which helped us in significantly reducing dust and noise levels and provide a better and healthy environment.

The interior was designed by Rina Patel, who did an exceptional job with very minute detailing and use of minimal colors and shapes and yet she was able to deliver a very work efficient and impressive design for our dental center.

Although we could not do any professional photography of our clinic due to lack of time as it was a running clinic with continuous inflow of patients and simultaneously we had to do renovation work, Dr. R. N. Patel’s 10 year old cute daughter Tanishka Patel is found of photography and she did magic with a simple click and shoot camera. Below are some of the photographs of our clinic taken by Tanishka Patel almost one year after completion of renovation.

We thank Rina Patel for her robust research and great design and Tanishka Patel for excellent photography.

Have A Look At Our Awesomely Designed Dental Center!!!

Reception Area

Treatment Area

VIP Treatment Area

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